This one’s more for my benefit than The Internet At Large, but I’ve just written a quick bit of php into a new wordpress page that displays an index of all wordpress posts I’ve made, organised by category. There’s a link to the index in my sidebar for when I forget where I’ve put it. I’ve briefly fiddled with a few plugins to do this, but they were all far too verbose to be useful.
To be honest, the main reason I did this was to avoid having to use Google to find my own Cookies Recipe..
The code I’ve used is below, I’m sure some people who know more PHP than I could improve it somewhat, but it does the job. To use it yourself, just copy and paste into a new page on your wordpress site, add <?php> tags and a php execute plugin and you’re away.
$categories = get_categories('orderby=name');
foreach($categories as $thisCategory) {
$thesePosts = get_posts(array('numberposts' => -1,
'category' => $thisCategory->cat_ID,
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'ASC'));
echo ('<h2>' . $thisCategory->cat_name . "</h2>\n");
foreach($thesePosts as $thisPost) {
echo ('<a href="' . get_permalink($thisPost->ID) . '">' .
$thisPost->post_title . '</a> ('.
date('j M Y', strtotime($thisPost->post_date)) .
")<br />\n");