By day, Dav is a senior full stack computer systems engineer at a computer games studio based in Cambridge who’s too curious for his own good. When not glued to a computer, he likes to go walking in the moors, hills and mountains and photographs landscapes. He’s been known to get over excited about the world of whisky, occasionally plays the piano and grows fruit and vegetables to cook up in the kitchen. Sometimes there’ll be enough hours in the day to write about some of the more interesting things. This is his website.
If you know me in real life, then look me up on Facebook or drop me an email at
Howdy Dave…..Stumbled upon your web site when hunting a good recipe for bottling plums…..Love yours…Many thanks.
Have spent a morning frolicking around banks peninsular here in Canterbury New Zealand plum gathering.
Hi Dav,
I found the article to Raspberry Pi Infrared Range Sensing very interesting and I was thinking about doing something similar myself I was wondering if you had it handy the plans to how everything was wired up to the breadboard etc? If you don’t it is fine I was just curious and it would be helpful if you had it as I am still learning
Hi Dav,
Just stumbled across your page when using Google to find a decent damson chutney recipe.
Yours seems decent enough, so I’ll give it a try.
I love your style of writing: your matter-of-fact/directness made me chuckle somewhat.
Are you still writing? You should produce a recipe book …..â€No faffs, no frills – this is the way it is†& help to dispel all the myths these so-called celebrity chefs seem to promote on tv programmes (of which there are far too many!)
Hi Angela,
Thank you for the kind words and for reminding me about that recipe. I’ve just had a flashback of just how purple it turned out 🙂
I’ve got plenty of ideas in the backlog, cheese making turns out to be really fun and much easier than I expected!, but alas I haven’t been able to write much about it for a while. Maybe in the future I can put a collection together.